Peace of Mind

We understand your need to control your financial destiny.

Our personal, comprehensive and objective approach will provide what you're really looking for - peace of mind.

Our Publications

Turn! Turn! Turn! – March Commentary

“Geopolitical conflicts and/or exogenous events do more to reinforce trends already in place, rather than act as a catalyst for change (in the markets) – Strategas Research Partners.”  Gold is rallying; oil is in a bull run higher; value style is besting growth while Tech is a pronounced underperformer.  And Bitcoin –who’s strongest advocates claim […]

Special Market Update: “Market BUMPS to Climb On”

Special Market Alerts are generally undesirable to write. That’s because we never intend to raise alarm or create uncertainty. How should investors think about the first 10% correction of this new bull market? Certainly a correction was due following 23 months since the March 23, 2020 bear market bottom. From that time, the S&P500 jumped […]

There’s Plenty More – February Commentary

We occasionally hear this idiom:  “There is more where that came from.”  It can be used in a negative, combative sense or in a positive, generous way.  The statement may be offered to a belligerent child – “if you do not shape up, there’s more to come.”  Alternatively, where there is strong achievement more success […]

“Lowdown on 2021” and the “Journey into ’22” – Nvest Nsights Q4 Newsletter

Happy New Year!  2021 provided a second, actually a third, consecutive year of double-digit investment returns for stocks (most forget 2019 because of how quickly the mood soured in early 2020). This edition of our quarterly newsletter, Nvest Nsignts provides “the lowdown” on what themes drove the financial markets during 2021.  Perhaps of greater interest […]


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