Nvest (Bill, Steve and Jordan) wishes for you and your family/friends good health, safety and wellness from this COVID-19 virus and the economic challenges. We are greatly concerned by the very real human health impact and ongoing crisis; praying for a timely cure for these current health and economic challenges. Let us know of your worries and if we can be helpful. While it would be unwise to meet in person due to social-distancing protocol, we can visit virtually via web meeting to review your needs, portfolio reactions, and discuss LIVING LIFE financial planning questions. Call or email to coordinate a time to visit.
This quarter you will find several timely updates. First, “The Price is Right?” reviews how swift was the transition from bull market into bear and shares historical perspective; places the size of recent government responses in context; and what we are watching to signal that durable recovery may be near or developing. “Framework for a Path Forward” examines whether the market low observed on March 23 was “a” low, or “THE” low. It is important awareness that retests are normal during periods of market stress, but the market will offer clues beneath the surface about where we are and when/what actions are appropriate to position portfolios for recovery. “Thoughtful Comments for Careful Consideration” is a compilation of notable quotes from highly respected individuals that can be helpful during challenging environments.