Moonwalking, No More? – Sept 2023 Commentary

On July 20, 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon when he stepped out of Apollo 11 in an area called the ‘Sea of Tranquility’.  Scientists suggest that the force of gravity is 5 to 6 times weaker on the moon than here on earth.  Would that make you feel like you were almost floating as you walk or run?  By contrast, Bill recently enjoyed a bicycling trip in Nova Scotia, Canada.  He shared that on several days the force of gravity was very much on his mind as the route often felt like a never-ending climb.  More than half the group riders opted for e-bikes, or bikes that are assisted by an electronic motor.  When climbs occurred, those on e-bikes used “turbo-assist” to zoom by with ease.  This experience is a lot like investing – gradual ups, then downs; some rises were fast and steep followed by a fall.  [On a bike, the rise was work, and ride down was fun; in financial market, the rise is work and declines are frustrating.]   We generally don’t think about gravity; we take it for granted unless falling out of bed.  Nevertheless, it does act on everything, unlike being on the moon.

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